
Family Owned Companies

Advising family owned companies, entrepreneurial families and family offices.

Another special focus of Berner Fleck Wettich lies on providing comprehensive legal services to family owned companies and its shareholders as well as single/ multi family offices. We take into account the specific needs of family businesses, particularly with regard to personal counseling, special confidentiality and long-term succession planning.
We provide advice inter alia on issues relating to the review and adjustment of the corporate structure and legal form (considering also the aspects as regards rights of co-determination), the restructuring/ reorganization of the corporate portfolio, and in connection with the review of, and amendments to, partnership agreements and shareholder agreements.

Succession planning, generational transition.

With regard to corporate succession and the preparation thereof, we advise entrepreneurial families on gift, inheritance and marital property rules as well as on foundation solutions, especially establishing a family foundation or a foundation with the legal form of a Co. KG (limited partnership) or the implementation of a double foundation (Doppelstiftungsmodell). We assist family owned companies and their shareholders regarding an early involvement of the next generation in the operating business/ management and on shareholder level.

Law on foundations.

Furthermore, we advise on setting up private (family- and non profit) foundations as well as non-profit organizations with different legal forms (particularly non-profit German limited liability company – gGmbH). Already existing foundations and non-profit organizations retain us as an advisor for legal support, inter alia concerning the review and adjustment of the structure or legal form. We are a member of the Association of German Foundations (Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e.V.).